Food Studies News and Events

Demystify all things curry with Professor Arunima Datta's "Curry Tales of Empire" whose work is focused on themes of labor history, transnational Indian nationalism, women’s and gender history.
For more, please read a copy of her latest book Waiting on Empire (Oxford University Press, 2023).

Graduate students from the Master's and PhD program presented their work on a variety of topics such as "Gender and Sexuality in Top Chef", "Pho: from Hanoi to America", and "Mass Exclusion: Body Size as a Barrier." In addition, Professors Wise, Mendiola Garcia, and Hutson introduced UNT's edible landscape venture: the La Milpa Project.

Meet Deah Berry Mitchell, the 2023-2025 Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and Culinary Arts UNT Fellow. Deah successfully manages the "Soul of DFW Bus Tours," offering insightful journeys into Black culture by visiting historical sites and Black-owned restaurants. She is an accomplished writer whose work has been featured in D Magazine, Texas Monthly, New York Times, Local Profile Magazine, Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Report where she maintains a weekly column, The Dish with Deah, about Tarrant County and Southern food history. Berry Mitchell is also the author of Cornbread & Collard Greens: How West African & Slavery Influenced Soul Food, which can be found at major retailers. Most recently, Berry Mitchell featured her work at the Graduate Student Food History Symposium where she delivered a paper titled "
"Beef to Big Red: Exploring Black Texas Foodways from Antebellum to Present Day."
Meet inaugural Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and Culinary Arts UNT Food Studies
Fellows Joshua Lopez, featured here on the Inside Julia's Kitchen podcast series (episode 117) and 2021-2023 award winner Nathalie Ross on the For the Love of Judaism podcast (Season 2, ep. 19).

Bryant Terry, chef, food justice advocate, author and James Beard Award Winner visits
UNT as the guest speaker for the 2021 President's Lecture.
Chef Terry enjoyed a catered vegan lunch with past and current Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and Culinary Arts UNT Fellows at the Mean Green Café, the nation’s first and only all-vegan collegiate dining hall before speaking to a sold-out where he demo'd recipes from his cookbook Black Food (Random House, 2021).

The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts featured Department of History Chair, Dr. Jennifer Jensen Wallach, on their podcast, Inside Julia's Kitchen, episode 67. Professor Wallach discusses African-American culinary history and what gastronomy tells us about ourselves. Plus, Professor Wallach shares her Julia Moment!